Collection Number 10
Title Musim Haji (Mekka 100 tahun lalu) /Haji season (Mecca hundred years ago)
Time 1995
Time Acquisition 1995
Place Jogjakarta, DKJ, Indonesia
Place of Acquisition From painter, Jl Tungah Padi, Umbul Arjo, Jogjakarta, DIJ, Indonesia
Name Painter (Place and Year of Birth-Death)
Sulasno (Wonosari 1957 – )
Size 100cm x 76cm
Current Location Bangkok, Thailand (Home)
Description According to the artist, Sulasno, this glass painting portrays an imagined Mecca as it was 100 years ago at the time of Haji (yearly pilgrimage) when people still used to wear colorful dresses and not white as now.

A painting with the same design was exposed at the exhibition “Pameran Lukisan Kaca Sulasno” which was held by Bentara Budaya Jogjakarta on 7-14 April 1993 with the title “Musim Haji”. The title “Mekka seratus tahun yang lalu” was given by the artist.