Collection Number 96
Title Gamelan/Gamelan ensemble
Time 1996
Time Acquisition 1996
Place Jogjakarta, DIJ, Indonesia
Place of Acquisition From painter, Jl Tungah Padi, Umbul Arjo, Jogjakarta, DIJ, Indonesia
Name Painter (Place and Year of Birth-Death)
Sulasno (Wonosari 1957 –Jogjakarta 2023)
Size 31cm x 34cm
Art (Music)
Current Location Donated to TC (US)
Description This glass painting is the reproduction of a detail from Surat Panji Smarabangun (the Tale of Panji Smarabangun) a story from the Javanese cycle.

Illustration of the original was published by Lontar Foundation and The British Library in Golden Letters: Writing Traditions of Indonesia.

Source: Postcard by Lontar Foundation